ideaphore Upgrades

We are excited to announce three upgrades we have made to ideaphore based on your invaluable feedback and ideas: Ranks, Badges, and Private idea storage.

You now have a Rank and Badges on your ideaphore business card. These are designed to help your ideas stand out to companies. Your Rank represents your level of participation in the community — including posting ideas, upvotes, and voting on other members’ ideas. All users start with Rank “Beginner.” As a Beginner, all ideas you elect to share must be free and open for the world to see and use. As you rank up, the terms of your idea transfers shift more in your favor.

Badges represent awards you have won for achievements on ideaphore and for winning ideation contests. They indicate proficiency or insight in some particular art or field.

For trying out our site in its very early stages, current active members will be promoted to the “Early Adopter” Rank. This tells companies that you like to try out new technology early, which you clearly do. Just our way of saying thanks. You also get a sweet new Badge that we like to call “Early Bird Gets the Gold:”


We are also excited to bring you private idea storage. For those million dollar ideas that you want to keep for a later date (perhaps after you rank up) or just ideas that you want to keep to yourself for the time being, you can now store them privately. Take all your ideas with you, sort and search them, edit them, and show them off anywhere you have an internet connection, including your mobile device. Easily share some of your private ideas with the world when you are ready. Just click “Save private idea” instead of “Share” when you are done inputing your idea:


We can’t wait to hear what you think of these improvements. Tell us what you think of the new logo too. And as we artfully hinted at above, there are many more upgrades coming your way really soon. If you want another hint, follow us on twitter.

Check Out The New Digs

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ideaphore llc

Have ideas to improve the products and services you use? Post them on ideaphore, then post an ideaphore link to social media. That way, companies can actually use your idea. Build a reputation and start making money from your quality feedback. It's the universal social suggestion box.

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